SheWill 별초롱
I’m the type of person who revamps her website once a year and regularly considers leaving this section blank.
I’m in my portfolio I reason. Somewhere between the colors and lines.
What I will say at this point of my career is:
I’ve described myself in halves my entire life. Half this and half that. Not really understanding that even the language behind my biracial status was divisive as it proportioned my identity into apples and oranges, here and there. . . you get it.
My work is about critically rethinking me as a whole.
In a time where we collectively struggle for substantive connection, I’ve become acutely aware that I and people like me are not merely standing at the intersections of society as dividers, we are bridges.
And maybe as a living microcosm of the beautiful melding of humanity - I’m not half, I am double.
My work is about that.