Not as Much as I Love You
Vinyl & Plastic
My Grandma only ever whooped me once in her whole life and it was right after Sunday school. Not the most opportune time to get a whooping. I was in one of the church classrooms trying hard not to get into any trouble on holy ground when she poked her head in the door and told me she loved me. She did that a lot now that I think about it; Rush around trying to fix that or help Sister so-and-so until she’d suddenly stop as if the thought of love was more than enough to hold everything in the air for just one second. And normally I would simply tell her I loved her back but for some reason on that day, I needed to jazz it up a little bit. Give it a little juice. I had heard a thing on one of those 90s family sitcom shows for just such occasions and although the phrase randomly popped in my head, the pops that followed were not so random. I learned on that day that grandmothers always love their granddaughters much, much more.